Answered By: Timothy Grasso
Last Updated: Jan 02, 2025     Views: 1582

First, use the library catalog to find the eBook you would like to check out. (See how to search for eBooks here.)

Once you have found your desired title, click the "view eBook" link. This should prompt you to sign in with your Fuller ID and open up the eBook online in the appropriate database. In most cases, you can now click a particular chapter from the eBook's listed contents or open the entire eBook using the "full text" or "read online" button. 

The instructions for "checking out" an eBook, that is, downloading it for offline use, vary somewhat depending on the database provider for the text. Database providers also differ on the type of downloads they make available.

The four major database provider types are listed below:

1. EBSCO-- The majority of Fuller library's eBooks are purchased through EBSCO, making EBSCO the most frequently used database provider. EBSCO requires the creation of an account (a "my EBSCOhost account") in order to download eBooks so that they can track usage statistics. To do this, follow these steps:

a. Click the "sign in" button located in the middle of the top navigation bar. When asked for a username and password, look for the "Don't have an account?" prompt and select "Create an account." (Unfortunately, the Google account login is not presently supported for authentication with Fuller electronic resources.)

b. Enter your information in all of the required fields to create your account. 

c. Once your account is created, sign in with your username and password.

d. You can now click "download" on the left of the eBook's main page to pull up the download dialog box.

e. In the download dialog box you can select the length of check out ("borrowing") and the format (usually PDF for desktops and EPUB for mobile devices) for your download.

f. You will also be required to affirm that you have Adobe Digital Editions installed on your device. This freely available program is required to read PDFs that are protected by Digital Rights Management (DRM) software. If you are downloading to a mobile device (e.g. smartphone/ tablet, etc.), you will need the equivalent bluefire reader app.

g. First time eBook users should see point 1 &2 (below point 2. ProQuest) for additional information on Adobe IDs and locating downloaded eBook files . 

2. ProQuest (eBook Central)-- To download an eBook with ProQuest eBook Central you will first need to open the text online using the "read online" button (if you start by clicking "download book" on the homepage it will prompt you to open it online first). 

a. Once the text is open online, click "sign in" so that your status with Fuller Seminary is registered in the system. (You know you are signed in when the top right navigation bar button reads "sign out.")

b. Next, click the download symbol in the top navigation bar (see photo below).

c. You will then be prompted to answer three questions in order to download the correct eBook version. Please indicate whether you are using a laptop/desktop, ios, or android. Next, Laptops and desktops will need to download Adobe Digital Editions, while mobile devices require the Bluefire Reader app. Lastly, select the desired length of check out (up to 3 weeks), before downloading your eBook. 

1 & 2. If you are downloading eBooks from EBSCO or ProQuest, there a couple extra steps for you (especially the first time).

a. After downloading the eBook file, you will always need to open it in Adobe Digital Editions (ADE). Your eBook should be in your downloads folder as an ACSM file type (or the recent download tab-- bottom of the screen for PC, top right download icon for Mac). Clicking it will cause the eBook to automatically open in ADE.

b. If this is your first time opening ADE, it will prompt you to authorize your computer with an adobe ID username (email) and password. It provides a link to where you can create one for free if need be. 

c. If you desire, you are able to authorize your computer without an Adobe ID and still use ADE. However, you need to authorize with an Adobe ID to be able to sync your ADE library across devices and to transfer eBook titles to any eReader devices. If there is any chance you may wish to transfer eBooks to a mobile device or eReader we highly recommend using an Adobe ID.

3. ProQuest Dissertations & SBL ANE monographs-- eBooks from these databases can be directly downloaded as PDFs with no account or additional software requirements beyond a standard PDF reader (most devices already have one installed).

4. Individual Chapter Download-- several other databases do not allow eBooks to be downloaded at once, but instead allow the downloading of individual PDF chapters or articles. Databases include JSTOR, Project Muse, Cambridge Core, Oxford Academic, and Credo reference. These downloads do not require a special account.

A few select eBook databases do not allow any download at all, but are instead are only available online for full text, or full image viewing. These databases include Ministry Matters and History of Global Christianity Online for full text, and the ATLA historical monograph collections and EEBO for full image. 

Renewing eBooks
When the checkout time for your eBook expires (up to 7 days for EBSCO and 21 days for ProQuest), your eBook will automatically be returned. There is no special process to renew an eBook. You can simply download (checkout) the eBook again following the same procedure you used the first time. 

If you have any additional questions about downloading eBooks, or Fuller electronic resources in general, please feel free to contact us at!