Answered By: Timothy Grasso
Last Updated: Jul 12, 2024     Views: 1524

The answer to this question varies depending on the kind of eBook that was purchased and how the user wishes to access the eBook.  

1. Unlimited User eBooks-- 

When using an eBook it is important to note the "concurrent user level" (EBSCO) or "availability" (ProQuest) listed for the eBook.

If the user amount is "unlimited," then any number of students can read the eBook online, or download the eBook offline, at the same time. The majority of Fuller eBooks are unlimited.

2.Limited User eBooks and Reading Online--

If there are a limited number of copies available (usually 1-3), only that number of students can read the title online at the same time. You will be notified if you are denied access to read an eBook for this reason. EBSCO eBooks give users with a "My EBSCOhost" account the opportunity to place a digital "hold" on an eBook so that they will be notified when a copy becomes available.

These limits are set by our vendors and we are not able to force returns from other users. For this reason we request that you be respectful of others and log out/ close your online eBook session when you are finished reading. On the other hand, be aware that an extended period of non-use may cause an automatic sign-out from a limited user eBook, potentially resulting in the (temporary) loss of access to a copy.   

3. Limited User eBooks and Downloading for Offline Viewing (check out)-- 

Limited user eBooks (those with a specified number of users) are not available for download to prevent lack of online access to the text for extended periods. These titles still support individual chapter download within their stated copy/ save limits. (See screenshots on eBook vendor restrictions.)

This ProQuest title supports four simultaneous online readers, but is not available for full eBook download (button greyed out).

EBSCO eBooks with limited users may or may not display the full download button. If it does, users will see the following message when trying to initiate a full title download. This is not an error, but a known download restriction on limited user eBook titles. 

3b. One exception to the above limitation is for titles that say, "Your institution has access to multiple copies of this book," with no number of copies specified. This message will appear on some ProQuest (Ebook Central) titles that are purchased in non-linear (NL) format.

These titles can still be downloaded and read online. If download access is denied for one of these titles, please email for assistance.

4.Reporting eBook Access Problems--

If an eBook is listed as "Held by Fuller Libraries," but is unable to be read online, or the link does not lead to the proper eBook, please notify us at You can also click "report a broken link" under availability.

We will not be able to increase access to eBook titles in every case, but we will be happy to investigate options for expanding access to titles that have reached their user limits. 

Please see the links to other FAQ's regarding eBooks below.