Answered By: Timothy Grasso Last Updated: Jul 17, 2024 Views: 132
If you downloaded an eBook using Adobe Digital Editions from the Fuller library website, you can return it by following these steps:
Open Adobe Digital Editions on your computer.
On the Bookshelves screen of Adobe Digital Editions, right-click the cover of the eBook you would like to check-in and select Return Borrowed Item.
Click the Return button to confirm you would like to return the eBook.
The eBook is checked in and removed from your Bookshelves view screen and is available to other patrons.
Fuller eBooks are usually available for reading on your Adobe Digital Editions for up to 7 days from EBSCO and 21 days from ProQuest. The eBook will automatically expire and be returned after that.
If you are not using Adobe Digital Editions or need additional help, please email us at
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