Answered By: Timothy Grasso
Last Updated: Jul 23, 2024     Views: 547

The Fuller library offers eBook monographs through the library catalog, or directly through our database subscriptions. You can browse full text eBook databases here.

A.  In the Catalog, you can search for desired works by: title (ti:), subject (su:), author (au:), or use the default keyword search. You can also use advanced search for more specific search options or contact the reference librarians for research assistance at  

To find the electronic version of a text, search the library catalog, then:

1. Click the "eBook" and "Fuller Libraries" boxes in the left filter menu. The search result will now only display Fuller eBooks

2. Click on the title of the book.

3. Click the "view eBook" link. (If the link does not work, or takes you to the wrong title, click "report a broken link" to the right of the eBook link under "availability".)

4. If you access off-campus, you will be prompted to provide your Fuller ID user name and password.

5. You can either read the book on screen by clicking on eBook Full Text, or read on your computer using Adobe Digital Editions (available for free download at Some eBook sites (e.g EBSCO) will require you to create a personal account and login in order to download an eBook.

  • When downloading an entire eBook, EBSCO has a checkout limit of 7 days, while ProQuest allows up to 21 days. We cannot extend this limit, but you are welcome to check the eBook out again as many times as you would like. A smaller number of eBooks have concurrent usage limits. If an eBook has reached its user limit, you can check back later, join a digital queue for future access, or submit a suggest a book request for the potential purchase of additional copies. See eBook vendor restrictions for more info.

B.  An alternate method is to search some of our eBook database collections directly. You can find relevant eBook databases by combining the eBooks "database type" with the relevant subject filter of your choice: