Answered By: Timothy Grasso Last Updated: Aug 02, 2024 Views: 257
Once you have located a desired article in the library catalog, you can follow these steps to view it:
1. Click the "View full text" link, either within the detailed record or the search results list. (If the link does not work, or takes you to the wrong title, go to the detailed record and click "report a broken link" beneath the link description within the "access online" tab.)
Search Results:
or Detailed Record:
2. You will be prompted to provide your Fuller ID user name and password to view the article (if you are not already signed in). You can reset your Fuller password here. (Links to an external siLinks to an external site.
3. Depending on the database, it will take you directly to the full text article, to a database search result page (containing your article), or to your article's database item record. In most cases, you will go to the article record and will click the available full text link to view the item online (usually as a PDF).
In this example from EBSCO, you would click the full text PDF icon:
From there, you can click the standard PDF download icon to download your article:
4. If you wish to view an article by directly searching a database, or if the catalog brings you to a database search result list:
Click the article title to view the item's detailed record, or click one of the full text options to be taken directly to the article. Articles that have HTML text available will display the text directly in the item record, otherwise you will need to open the PDF viewer to see the text.
If you experience any technical difficulties (error messages, time-outs, mis-links) in accessing articles through the library catalog or databases, you can utilize the "report a broken link" feature noted above, or contact library electronic services directly at
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