Answered By: Timothy Grasso Last Updated: Jul 24, 2024 Views: 1942
Answered By: Timothy Grasso
Last Updated: Jul 24, 2024 Views: 1942
1. Copy, Print, and Save Restrictions
- Each eBook publisher sets there own restrictions on the number of pages that can be copy/ pasted, printed, saved, or emailed from their works. These restrictions are listed on each eBook record under "Publisher Permissions" (EBSCO) or "Availability" (ProQuest).
- These limits can vary depending on the publisher and the length of the book. Print and save restrictions for PDF documents typically range from 10-100 pages, and can even be unlimited for older works. Copy and paste restrictions are similar, except that newer works often do not allow any copy and pasting (as in the EBSCO example above). The Fuller library is unable to change these restrictions.
2. Limited-User Download and Access Restrictions
- In most cases, you will not have any trouble downloading and accessing EBSCO or ProQuest eBooks following our eBook download and access instructions. It is possible, however, that downloads and access may be restricted on some eBooks due to a limited user access model. These eBooks will only allow users to download the specific number of purchased copies that are available for use, with the last remaining copy reserved for online reading only. (For example, if three copies are owned, two copies can be downloaded. If only one copy is owned, no full eBook download will be available.) If all limited user "copies" of the eBook are being read online, or have been downloaded, users will have to wait until other patrons finish using them for access.
- If an assigned text is only available as a limited user eBook, students should plan accordingly by providing additional time to complete their reading assignments online, arranging for print access through library reserves, or purchasing a personal copy of the work.
- You can see whether an eBook has this restriction by looking under "Concurrent User Level" (EBSCO) or "Availability" (ProQuest) on the eBook's record. If you see the phrase "unlimited" in the description this should not be an issue for that eBook.
3. Format Restrictions: Multi-user vs. Individual License
- This restriction doesn't affect the function of the eBooks Fuller owns, but rather the kind of eBooks that Fuller is able to purchase. Because the Fuller Library is an institution purchasing electronic texts for the use of its students, faculty, and staff, it cannot purchase texts that are licensed for individuals. Popular examples of electronic texts that are only licensed for individuals include eBooks for Kindle, eBooks purchased through Bible Software Companies (e.g. Logos, Accordance, etc.), and eBooks purchased through various apps (e.g. Google Play). Unfortunately, not every eBook available for individual purchase has been published in a multi-user format. Please keep this in mind when suggesting eBooks at the library and awaiting a purchase decision.
There are also further requirements regarding the necessary software needed to read eBooks offline, especially on eReader devices. See the links below for further details on these issues:
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