Answered By: Timothy Grasso
Last Updated: Jun 21, 2024     Views: 697

The first step to finding the biblical commentary of your choice is to do a search on the library catalog. You can do this from any internet browser, or from our computer lab on the second floor.

You can either search by title (e.g. The Gospel of Luke) or set (e.g. Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture). General keyword/subject searches are usually conducted by typing the biblical book title followed by the word "commentary," (e.g. Jonah commentary, or Gospel of John commentary). 

Once you find a desired commentary in the catalog, you can determine the location(s) of all copies by clicking on the title and accessing its detailed record.

  • Please note that in WorldCat Discovery (the default library catalog), only one copy of a title will appear in the initial results page, and that title may not represent all copies' location, (e.g. not all copies of this title are in Orange County).

The detailed record will display all copies of the title owned by Fuller in a "Holding summary," under "Fuller Libraries" and "Availability." Here you will see the campus location, shelving location (main, reference, storage, etc.), call number, and availability of each title for check out.


On the Pasadena campus, the most complete collection of biblical commentaries is available (for library use only) in our reference collection, located in the Depree Reading Room to the left of the library entrance and front desk. When present, additional copies are added to the main collection on Basement A and can be checked out. Some older commentaries can also be requested from storage at the front circulation desk and are available for check out. 

Regardless of their shelving location, all print commentaries are organized according to their library of congress call number, usually starting with the prefix BS (Biblical Studies). Unless you are very familiar with the cataloging system, it can be challenging to find particular volumes without the aid of the catalog search method outlined above to retrieve a specific call number. 

With a little extra information, however, physical browsing of the stacks by general commentary subject or biblical book is possible. Consult the list below for the call numbers of different commentary subject sections. (Areas of most interest to the average graduate student are in bold.)

Note: At the bottom of the page is a downloadable file listing the specific call number range of all individual biblical books along with some recommenced commentary sets. 

  • BS 11-409:  Bible texts and translations
  • BS 410-489: Works on the bible including: reference works (e.g. bible dictionaries/ concordances), bible translation and history, hermeneutics, and introductory texts 
  • BS 490-499: Individual commentary series covering the whole bible (e.g. Word Biblical Commentary-- almost all fall within the 491-492 range)
  • BS 500-534.8: Criticism and Interpretation of the bible 
  • BS 535-649: Biblical themes and subjects (e.g. narrative/ literary studies, prophecy)
  • BS 650-672: The bible and science/ social science
  • BS 701-1099: Old Testament Texts, translations, and selections
  • BS 1110-1191.5: Works on the OT, including OT commentary series (e.g. JPS Torah commentary)
  • BS 1235-1680: Commentary on individual OT works (see attached list) 
  • BS 1901-2269: New Testament Texts, translations, and selections
  • BS 2302-2332: NT Reference works, introductory texts, and hermeneutics
  • BS 2333-2341: Individual NT commentary series
  • BS 2350-2393: NT criticism and interpretation
  • BS 2415-2544: NT Themes and Subjects (e.g. Jesus' sayings/teachings, character studies)
  • BS 2575-2834: Commentary on individual NT works (see attached list)

Please note that it is possible some historical commentaries (especially patristic) may be cataloged under BR, and some historic commentaries of denominational significance may be cataloged under BX. If you cannot locate a desired commentary by browsing BS, consult the catalog to locate possible alternate locations.

While relatively small, we also have a growing collection of eBook commentaries available. Please check out the links below to learn more about eBook commentaries and other online biblical studies research.