Answered By: Natalya Pashkova
Last Updated: Jul 16, 2024     Views: 152

Remote access to a library/ interlibrary loan account is available for all current Fuller students, faculty, and staff. 

Applicable patrons can access their Interlibrary Loan account through the library account portal.

1. Go to the library website at

2.Click "My Account" and log into your library account using your Fuller username and password. 

3. Once logged in, select the "Requested" tab (next to "checked out") or the "Requested" link from the "My Account" drop down menu (your name in the top right corner).

4. To create a new request, click on Create Request 
5. Fill out an ILL form and submit it.
Fuller Alumniconsortial users, and GRI scholars do not have remote access to a library/ interlibrary loan account. These users will see an error message if attempting to sign in to the "my account" button. See the relevant links for specific information on accessing electronic resources and library services available to you.