Answered By: Timothy Grasso
Last Updated: Jul 02, 2024     Views: 354

Augustine's Complete Works in Latin

There are several important editions of Augustine's works in Latin. Fuller has access to one of the oldest, Jacques-Paul Migne's Patrologia Latina, which includes all the known works of the Latin Patristic authors at the time of its publication from 1844 through 1855. Other important Latin editions and a fairly complete bibliography of works are listed online by James J. O'Donnell.

You can view a catalog search for all Latin works authored by Augustine and held by Fuller libraries. You can further narrow this search by inserting keywords before the existing search terms

English Translation

The most recent and comprehensive effort to translate the works of Saint Augustine into English is entitled The works of Saint Augustine : a translation for the 21st century. The call number for the series is BR65.A5 E53 1990 in the main stacks of Basement A. The series is scheduled to have 49 volumes when complete and include all of St. Augustine's 132 extant works. Some older printed editions of Augustine's works may also be available to be requested from storage. Here is a catalog search of all English language translations of Augustine's work owned by Fuller.

The Italian publisher Città Nuova has a very helpful site that lists various online English translations of Augustine's works that can be accessed for free. It also has a very thorough Latin Index of his works with free html versions of the text available.  

Secondary works

Here is a catalog search of all Fuller owned works that address Augustine's life or work, but were not authored by him. You can further narrow this search by inserting keywords before the existing search terms