Answered By: Natalya Pashkova
Last Updated: Jul 29, 2024     Views: 608

Scholarly or peer-reviewed books are written by scholars, experts, and researchers in their respective fields (e.g. Biblical Studies, Theology, Anthropology, etc.). A scholarly book may include any of the following: a foreword or preface written by another scholar, an introduction that outlines the entire book and describes the author's research goal, or a bibliography or list of references that an author consulted or cited in their research.

Scholarly books use a professional language relevant to the field of study and are intended for students, instructors, and researchers. Some of these books may be edited by an editor or a group of editors who are experts in the area of study.  
There are many publishers that specialize in producing academic and scholarly books. You can check a publisher website and learn about its area of focus (popular works or scholarly, or both). 
While there is no filter to limit your search to scholarly books in our library catalog and databases, you can evaluate a book on the criteria included in these notes.

Most of the books in our collections are scholarly. In our library collections, you will find many books from the following scholarly publishers:



       Academic Publishers                                                                               


  Publishers by Specialization

   Abingdon Press

  Baptist Publishers: Broadman Press, Convention Press, Broadman & Holman, Smyth & Helwys, Judson Press

   Baker Academic   The Grand Rapids Bunch (Reformed/ Calvinist & Evangelical): Zondervan, William B. Eerdmans, Baker Books, Fleming H. Revell, Kregel Books.
   Brill   Evangelical, conservative, and scholarly: Hendrickson, Thomas Nelson, InterVarsity Press, Providence House, Mercer University Press, Trinity Press, Tyndale House, Word Books, Crossway Books.
   Cambridge University Press    Moderate to Critical scholarship: Fortress Press, Abingdon Press, Charles Scribner’s sons, Harper & Row, T & T Clark, HarperCollins,  Harper SanFrancisco, Prentice-Hall, Macmillian, Aldine De Gruyter, University Press of America, Doubleday, Oxford University Press, SCM Press
   De Gruyter    Catholic Offerings: St. Anthony Messenger Press, St. Bede’s, Franciscan Press, Paulist Press, Liguori, Pauline Pres, Orbis Books, Michael Glazier, Liturgical Press, St. Martin’s
   Eerdmans   Other Denominational Presses: Augsburg, Concordia, Pilgrim Press, Morehouse, Eisenbraums, Westminster John Knox Press, Cokesbury, Friends United Press
   Fortress Press  Other Offerings: Swedenborg, Unity Books, Beacon Press, Review and Herald publishing, College Press, Jewish Publication Society
   IVP Academic  
   Oxford University Press   

   Other university publishers 

   T & T Clark/ Bloomsbury  
   Zondervan Academic  


















Here are a couple of examples that might help you to understand a difference between a scholarly book and less scholarly book intended for the general audience.

1. Barton, John, and John Muddiman. 2007. The Oxford Bible Commentary. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

This is a scholarly book
The Oxford Bible Commentary is a new ecumenical verse-by-verse commentary on the whole Bible, including all the books of the Apocrypha, for use by Christians, Jews, and members of other religious traditions, or of none. 1.5 million words long, it has been written by a team of internationally respected biblical scholars chosen for their expertise and ability to communicate rather than for their adherence to any particular faith. Now available in paperback, the Oxford Bible Commentary will provide the one-volume resource for the Bible for the 21st century.
2. Goldingay, John. 2015. Isaiah for Everyone. Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster John Knox Press.

This book is written by the scholar for a general audience. 
Westminster John Knox Press is pleased to present the seventeen-volume Old Testament for Everyone series. Internationally respected Old Testament scholar John Goldingay addresses Scripture from Genesis to Malachi in such a way that even the most challenging passages are explained simply and concisely. The series is perfect for daily devotions, group study, or personal visits with the Bible. 
In this volume on Isaiah, Goldingay explores the first of the great prophetic books. Isaiah is a compilation of the prophetic messages of several prophets. Their messages to the people of Judah and Jerusalem included a call for injustice to be recognized, a message of liberation and hope from the oppressors of the people, and a message of the coming day of judgment. These separate messages are held together by the promise of a new age of redemption and peace that lies beyond the crisis of judgment".
See also a video tutorial on scholarly books from ProQuest (How do I evaluate sources? See Scholarly books (1:45 min.)).