Answered By: Timothy Grasso Last Updated: Jul 29, 2024 Views: 152
The Fuller library has a limited selection of audiobooks available for patron use.
You can view all of Fuller's audiobooks (330+) in the library catalog here. (You can type in additional keywords before the existing search string to narrow the results by topic.)
Please note that many of these audiobooks are only available at the Pasadena library in either CD or cassette tape formats.
Within these results, we presently have 30+ titles available as e-audiobooks through EBSCO. After signing in to your EBSCOhost account, these can be "borrowed" and downloaded for up to seven days at a time.
The EBSCOhost account is different than your Fuller ID. To create an EBSCOhost account , follow these steps:
a. Click the "sign in" button located in the middle of the top navigation bar. When asked for a username and password, look down for the "Create an account" prompt and select it.
b. Enter your information in all of the required fields to create your account.
c. Once your account is created, sign in with your username and password.
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