Answered By: Timothy Grasso
Last Updated: Jul 26, 2024     Views: 69

The Fuller library has a number of resources available for research in Islam from both a theological and missiological perspective. These resources include:

1. Databases

Individual articles regarding Islam are accessible through major interdisciplinary databases, including: JSTOR, ProQuest ReligionATLA religionSAGE journals, and Academic Search Premier

We also subscribe to the Index Islamicus, which provides an up-to-date citation index for Islamic studies journals, monographs, and conferences going back nearly 100 years. This database has limited full-text, but additional resources can be requested via ILL.

Researchers should also review our extensive online reference holdings regarding Islam in databases like Oxford Reference, Credo Reference, and Encyclopedia of Religion Online (Gale).

2. Books and eBooks

A good starting point for monograph research within this area is searching the relevant library of Congress (LC) subject headings in our catalog. Please click the links below to see search results for that subject.

Islam (4500+ results)

Muslims (1500+ results)

Islamic Countries (450+ results)

Missions to Muslims (350+ results)

You can also search a specific keyword within each subject by typing "and kw:" followed by your additional search terms. For example, you could search "su:Islam and kw:Morocco."

If you are on the Pasadena Campus, you will be able to browse the majority of our Islam print resources under the call number BP. You can also try searching BV 2625 - 2626 for resources on mission to Muslim contexts.

3. journals

Through the above link, you will see Fuller has access to over 100 journals and eJournals regarding Islam. Twelve of these journals are currently printed and browsable online through the BrowZine journal app.

You can also search a specific keyword within the catalog journal search by typing "and kw:" followed by your additional search terms. For example, you could search "su:Islam and kw:Insider movement."

Reference Help
If you need help finding additional resources (or more specific resources) for your research in Islam, please feel free to contact our reference librarians at 

You can also contact our reference staff directly through libchat