Answered By: Timothy Grasso Last Updated: Dec 13, 2024 Views: 1633
Chicago/ Turabian: from the Chicago Manual of Style (7th ed.) For more detailed information consult the SBL Handbook of Style.
"Jewish or Christian scriptures usually appear in text citations or notes rather than in bibliographies. Parenthetical or note references to the Bible should include book (in roman and usually abbreviated), chapter, and verse—never a page number. A colon is used between chapter and verse. Note that the traditional abbreviations use periods but the shorter forms do not." Always include the biblical version with the citation (e.g. NRSV, TNIV, ESV, etc.).
Traditional abbreviations:
- 1 Thess. 4:11, 5:2–5, 5:14.
- Heb. 13:8, 13:12.
- Gen. 25:19–36:43.
Shorter abbreviations:
- 2 Sm 11:1–17, 11:26–27; 1 Chr 10:13–14.
- Jo 5:9–12; Mt 26:2–5.
When using note style, cite the scripture in a footnote/endnote; when using author-date style, cite the scripture reference in parentheses. Do not include the bible in your bibliography when citing scripture passages.
Biblical texts can be included in a Chicago/Turabian style bibliography if you are citing an introduction, commentary, or other non-textual element of the work, unique to that particular edition. In that case you may cite the passage like a normal book with the specific page number of that edition.
APA: from the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.)
"Reference list entries are not required for major classical works, such as ancient Greek and Roman works or classical religious works; simply identify in the first citation in the text the version you used [emphasis added]." Use traditional chapter and verse instead of page numbers.
Links & Files
- How do I cite an eBook in Chicago/Turabian? Opens in new window
- How do I cite a commentary on in Chicago style? Opens in new window
- Do I need to cite an eBook differently than I would a print book? Opens in new window
- Where can I find the Chicago and Turabian Citation Guides? Opens in new window
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