Answered By: Timothy Grasso
Last Updated: Jul 24, 2024     Views: 170

There are 46 external databases searchable in WorldCat (JSTOR is split into 8 'collections'), along with 4 databases from WorldCat and its searchable sub-collections, for a total of 50 searchable databases. You can filter database selections when using WorldCat advanced search.

You can see all catalog searchable databases listed below, along with a description:

  • Academic Search Complete
    Comprehensive Full-Text Database for Multidisciplinary Research

     African American Communities
    A diverse range of primary source material focusing on race relations across social, political, cultural and religious arenas.

    This database focuses on the many perspectives of complementary, holistic and integrated approaches to health care and wellness. Requires authentication to view results.

    OCLC index of articles from the contents pages of journals

     ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials PLUS
    Full-text religion and theology journal collection. Requires authentication to view results.

     Bloomsbury Theology and Religion Online
    Contains resources designed for students and scholars of theology, biblical studies, religious studies, and related fields.

     Business Source Complete
    The world's definitive scholarly business database, providing the leading collection of bibliographic and full-text content.

     Cambridge Companions Online
    Three thousand essays covering literature, philosophy, religion, classics and cultural studies, a complete reference for the humanities.

     Credo Reference
    General reference resource for researchers at any level. Includes major reference works, multi-volume subject encyclopedias, field guides, scholarly handbooks, etc.

     Digital Karl Barth Library
    A comprehensive collection of German-language content and scholarly English translations of Karl Barth's major works.

     Early English Books Online MARC Records
    Facsimiles of works printed in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and British North America from 1473-1700

     Early English Books Online MARC Records (Digital only)
    Digital facsimiles of works printed in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and British North America om 1473-1700

     Early English Books Online MARC Records (Microfilm only)
    Facsimiles of works printed in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and British North America om 1473-1700

     EBSCO New Testament Abstracts Online
    New Testament Abstracts contains abstracts and articles relevant to scholars, librarians, clergy and students of the New Testament. Requires authentication to view results.

     Electronic Books
    OCLC catalog of online electronic books available through libraries worldwide

     Electronic Collections Online
    An OCLC collection of scholarly journals

    Journal articles and reports in education

     Gale eBooks
    With electronic reference books from Gale and its publishing partners, researchers can instantly access thousands of eBooks on virtually any subject.

     GPO Monthly Catalog
    U.S. government publications

     Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition
    This resource provides nearly 550 scholarly full text journals focusing on many medical disciplines. Requires authentication to view results.

     Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA)
    Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA) indexes more than 500 core journals, more than 50 priority journals, and 125 selective journals; plus books, research reports and proceedings. Requires authentication to view results.

    All areas of medicine, including dentistry and nursing

     Newspaper Source Plus
    Comprehensive full-text for major newspapers.

     Oxford Handbooks Online
    The complete texts of the prestigious Oxford Handbooks in Business and Management, Philosophy, Political Science, and Religion now available online.

     Oxford Reference Online
    Oxford Reference Online brings together language and subject reference works from one of the world's biggest and most trusted reference publishers into a single cross-searchable resource.

     Oxford Scholarship Online
    A cross-searchable library offering quick and easy access to the full text of Oxford books on a wide array of subjects.

     ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global
    ProQuest Dissertation & Theses Global (PQDT Global) simplifies searching for dissertations and theses via a single access point to explore an extensive, trusted collection of 3.8 million graduate works, with 1.7 million in full text. Designated as an official offsite repository for the U.S. Library of Congress, PQDT Global offers comprehensive historic and ongoing coverage for North American works and significant and growing international coverage from a multiyear program of expanding partnerships with international universities and national associations. Requires authentication to view results.

     ProQuest Ebook Central
    Authoritative e-books in a wide range of subject areas.

    Full-text articles in general and specialized psychology

    Full-text chapters of books in general and specialized psychology

    PsycEXTRA proactively uncovers and presents new developments and research in psychology and the behavioral sciences.

    PsychiatryOnline is a powerful web-based portal that features DSM-5®—the most widely used psychiatric reference in the world—and The American Journal of Psychiatry as the cornerstones of an unsurpassed collection of psychiatric references from American Psychiatric Publishing, the most trusted and respected name in psychiatric publishing.

     Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection
    Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection covers topics in emotional and behavioral characteristics, psychiatry and psychology, mental processes, anthropology, and observational and experimental methods. Requires authentication to view results.

    Psychology and related fields since 1806. Requires authentication to view results.

    A one-of-a-kind resource for measurement and instrumentation tools.

     Race Relations in America
    Surveys and papers from the Amistad Researcher Center, 1943-1970. Explore three pivotal decades in the struggle for civil rights in America.

     Religion Database
    Resource for religious studies programs, religious issues and perspectives.

     Religious and Theological Abstracts
    Religious and Theological Abstracts provides objective summaries of articles appearing in scholarly journals in the fields of Religion and Theology.

     Research Library
    General reference database.

     SAGE Journals
    Journals from SAGE, one of the world's largest journal publishers, spanning the Humanities, Social Sciences, and STM fields (Science, Technology, and Medicine) and with many published on behalf of learned societies and institutions.

     SAGE Knowledge
    SAGE Knowledge is the ultimate social digital library for students, researchers, and faculty. Offering access to more than 4200 titles, it includes an expansive range of SAGE eBook and eReference content, including scholarly monographs, reference works, handbooks, series, professional development titles, and more.

     SAGE Research Methods (SRM)
    A collection of case studies of real social research that can be used in teaching. Specially commissioned and designed to help students understand often abstract methodological concepts by introducing them to cases of real research projects that are interesting and engaging and designed to add color, context and understanding to the teaching of research methods or statistics.

     The Collection
    In-depth training videos created by and for psychotherapists covering topics such as family and group therapy, dynamic psychotherapy, legal and ethical considerations, and more.

     Twentieth Century Religious Thought (with The Digital Karl Barth Library)
    Collection of religious texts and Karl Barth's major works.

    OCLC catalog of books and other materials in libraries worldwide

     WorldCat Dissertations and Theses
    A database of all dissertations and theses available in WorldCat
    OCLC catalog of books, articles, and other materials in libraries worldwide

The database page is able to filter results into groups that are only accessible through the A-Z Databases page, and those that can be directly searched in WorldCat. 

Simply click the "All Database types" drop down menu and choose either, "A-Z Database Page Only" or "WorldCat Database Searchable."

The former list includes database content that can only be accessed through along with content discoverable in WorldCat but not searchable as a distinct database.