Answered By: Timothy Grasso
Last Updated: Jul 10, 2024     Views: 550

The most popular eBooks database is called the EBSCO eBook Academic Collection @ Fuller library (EBSCOhost). The database is multidisciplinary and contains works on religion, psychology, anthropology, etc. ProQuest eBook Central is also a popular interdisciplinary resource. 

You can browse all of our eBook databases on the library's databases page. You can browse all of the available full text eBook databases by selecting "full text" from the database types menu and "eBooks" form the subjects menu. This list focuses exclusively on traditional full text scholarly monographs. You can also view the eBook format type to include all databases that provide book content, including reference books, dissertations, and full image book scans. 

Searching the library catalog is often the preferred method for finding eBooks as most databases (including EBSCO/ Proquest) are searchable through WorldCat. After searching for your desired subject (e.g. Theology AND Reference), simply look to the left column and check the "eBook" box under "format," and "Fuller Libraries" under "Library," to restrict your results to eBooks that Fuller owns. See screenshot below:

(Please note: some searches may require you to click "see more" to see the "eBook" option.)

You can find lists of recommended databases (including eBook ones) for each Fuller school on our Research Tips and Techniques page.