Answered By: Timothy Grasso Last Updated: Jul 10, 2024 Views: 244
You can use the save and lists feature in WorldCat Discovery to create custom lists of search results for future reference. Follow these steps:
1. Conduct a search in WorldCat Discovery
2. Click "sign in" in the upper right corner if you are not already logged in to your library account (using your Fuller ID)
3. Click "save" in the bottom right corner of the record results you want to add to a list. (It will display "saved" once selected and highlight the star icon.)
4. Once you have all the results selected that you want to add to a list (or even multiple lists), click "my items" towards the upper right corner. (Please note: clicking "save" and adding to "my items" does not automatically save these records. The records are saved temporarily unless you specifically save them to a list, as explained below.)
5. On the "my items" screen select the search results you want to add to a saved list. You can click "create list" to add them to a new list or select "move" to add the items to an existing list saved to your account. Repeat for as many lists as needed. (Note that you can also email a list of records, cite records, or delete them from your saved items.)
6. Once you add records to a new list, or an existing list, those records will no longer be visible in your "my items" folder. To view them in their list, you can either click the provided link directly to your new/ existing list, or you can click your username in the top right corner and select "my personal lists" from the drop down menu to display all saved lists.
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