Answered By: Timothy Grasso Last Updated: Aug 02, 2024 Views: 346
The Fuller library catalog (WorldCat) searches many other library catalogs beyond Fuller. This is useful for requesting interlibrary loans and learning about resources available beyond Fuller, but it also sometimes generates search results that are not immediately available to Fuller students. This also applies to e-resources.
In order to determine if an eBook is accessible for Fuller students, look for the words "Fuller Libraries" within the search result. If Fuller does not have access to an eBook, the search result will display "At other libraries worldwide." In the default Worldcat Discovery catalog it will look like this:
The other major visual cue is the blue button which will state "Access Online" (Older records will say "view eBook" or "view full text"). If you click the item's title, you will see all the databases that provide access to the digital text under "Access Online." The blue access button defaults to the first listed database.
If you encounter a broken link, try accessing the title through a different listed database. Click "report a broken link" for those that do not work properly (see photo below). You can also notify the electronic resources department at if you are having any electronic access issues.
If you would like to limit your search to only eBooks held by Fuller, follow these steps:
- Conduct a search of your desired subject or title in the library catalog.
- In the left "search tools" column, select the "Fuller Libraries" facet under "availability."
- Next select the "eBook" facet under "Format." (You may need to select "show more" in order to see the eBook option depending on your search results.)
4. Your results will now be limited to only Fuller owned eBooks!
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