Answered By: Timothy Grasso Last Updated: Jul 24, 2024 Views: 122
You can now search all of the library's periodical titles online through our new eJournal management software BrowZine! In addition to title searching, this service allows you to browse through major titles by subject, as well as save journal titles and articles to a custom bookshelf when using a personal account.
For Journal titles and articles that are available electronically, the title links will lead you straight to Fuller's full text access, or direct you to alternative database access. If the journal/ article is only available in print, then our citation linker will allow you to link back to the print item's WorldCat record.
BrowZine is also fully linked to Fuller's interlibrary loan system, so if you do find an article we do not carry in any format, you will automatically be given the option to request it from another library.
For more information on BrowZine please visit our BrowZine libguide!
If you are also interested in searching for journal articles directly by subject, you can search the library catalog, or you can view our eResource guide, for a list of recommended databases by subject.
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